Vicky Stockdale

Lead Consultant

Vicky is an entrepreneurial philosopher who spent the last 30 years of her professional path pursuing the creation of excellence by bringing together “The Best of Individuals” with “the Best of Companies”. Driven by her passion for motivating others and identifying peoples’ internal strengths, she has interviewed and guided more than 4,000 executives in identifying their personal goals and professional skills within the Greek and European markets.

Having spent more than 25 years living and working abroad, her exposure to the cultural diversities of Africa, Asia, North America, Europe as well as the Caribbean, have given Vicky the wisdom and the learning’s that have enabled her to adapt to change. This experience also fueled her ambition to achieve success, both as a Corporate Executive and Business Entrepreneur.

She holds a BSc in Psychology from McGill University and is a certified NLP Practitioner & Coach.

Before becoming an Executive Search specialist, Vicky was member of the BOD in various hotels in North America and the Caribbean and held Senior Executive positions in several Greek conglomerates. As an entrepreneur, she founded Stockdale & Associates in 1993 and has been actively engaged in its growth and development ever since.

Vicky holds a very active lifestyle. When she’s not working or socializing, she spends her time in nature, loves caring for her dogs and exercises on a regular basis.

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